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The color sorter machine becomes a beautiful business card of made in china

The color sorter is a sorting device that integrates high-tech achievements such as light, machinery, electricity, and gas. It has a wide range of uses and has become an indispensable device in many fields such as food safety, waste recycling and ore. In the 1930s, the United States, Britain and other countries first developed rice color sorters. In the 1970s and 1980s, Japan and South Korea successively developed and commercialized. Due to technological monopoly, China ’s color sorting machine started relatively late compared with developed countries. Until the reform and opening up in the 1980s, some domestic grain machine companies began to get involved in the field of color sorting machine manufacturing. , And continuously improve our independent research and development and manufacturing capabilities. Since 2000, domestic color sorting machine manufacturers have entered a period of rapid growth. More than 30 large and small color sorting machine manufacturers have reached more and more product varieties and specifications. The market share of domestic equipment has gradually increased. The current market share has reached 70. %the above.